So, decided to get the diff in. Unfortunately, my son was unavailable to help but I soldiered on (I mentioned that I wasn't very patient, yeah?). First attempt at getting the diff up was... dubious (those of a H&S-nervous disposition may want to look away now) :
That at least got it up to almost the right height, then some straps to let it sway gently in the breeze:
That was the easy part - the various bolts were a pain in the neck. The first lower bolt was pretty easy as it went in a slot, although I did have to file a little off one of the spacers to get it in. After that, I could never get all holes lined up - I could get any 2 bolts in but the 3rd would always be slightly out. Eventually decided on ensuring the 2 smaller front ones were in and got violent on the last long bolt across the top - it's in:
I feel like I've been 5 rounds with Tyson :-)
None of the bolts torqued up yet - I'm just waiting on an answer about whether I should have put an extra 2 washers on the lower bolt next to the spacers. They weren't in the kit but because they're in a slot, there's a lot less metal keeping them in place.
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