Now all set to fit the panel - firstly, connected all the wires:
However, looking back at my schematic, the earth for the horn goes through the wiper switch which I've recently changed, so I'm hoping it's just a loose connection there or I've wired it up wrong and lost my earth (I was never sure it was wired right). The only problem with the bad wiring theory is that I'm sure the horn worked the last time I turned the ignition on, which was AFTER I'd done the new wiper switch. So, hopefully, I've just knocked a terminal off while mucking about with the aux panel...
I've ordered my seats from Intatrim - a great company to deal with; I've never spoken to anyone so enthusiastic as Rob. I actually felt bad because after all his great suggestions, I've gone for a very plain look. I got the feeling he was desperately excited to do something complex and funky. I'm on holiday next week and the seats should be ready the week after - pictures to come.