Thursday, 21 July 2016

Happy Anniversary

A short post to reflect on one year since I started my build (well, Monday actually but I missed it).

Reading some of my earlier posts, it amazes me how much I've learned in the last year. I don't want to sound all tree-hugger and new-Age freak-like but doing something as fundamental and as complex as building a motor vehicle changes the way you act towards so many other things; I am much happier to move out of my comfort zone, with more confidence to attempt tasks I wouldn't normally.

I recently replaced a leaking ball cock in a loft water tank,  for example. For a cost of £7, I fixed something that probably would have cost me £100 if I'd called a plumber out. Small things but significant...

So,  I was hoping to finish by the end of this year but that's looking unlikely with the delays caused by the extra work for the electrics (engine loom and dash). Not the end of the world but I'm now targeting the Stoneleigh show next year as a completion date - I want to drive there in my own car.

Happy Anniversary to me - onwards...

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Light at the end of the car

Spent all week mucking about with wiring. First problem was my main beam rocker switch which just didn't seem to work. I called CBS and they happily sent me another FOC,  which was good of them. This one seemed better and the lights worked on the ACC ignition position but stopped working on the main ignition position.  Simon at GBS has suggested I may have wired the headlights up wrong and very possible - the actual wiring colours from the headlamp unit didn't match the wiring schedule from GBS  so I had just guessed what they were. As they actually came on,  I then assumed I had the wiring right and thought no more of it. But need to go back to them...

I'm going to try replace my cruddy rocker switches with some quality Carling items. Difficulty is getting hold of them - only a couple of suppliers and they don't have the full range on their websites - I'll have to call them.

The Carling switches are larger but should just fit on the dash wing.

Friday, 8 July 2016

Sparks are flying

Well,  finally got the bullet connectors delivered and finished off the last few connections. I was desperately excited to try it out,  so I vaguely put the dash in place:

Plugged the loom in and attached the battery - no fires started so good start.

First test - the hazard switch which should work with the ignition off. Nervously,  button pressed.... and....


OK,  one switch but actually seeing lights flashing was bloody AWESOME! I squealed like a pig and did a jig down the driveway...

Sadly,  mixed results from then on. Turning the ignition on,  the wiper rocker switch illuminated. The side light worked and the dials illuminated at the same time (good) but couldn't get dip beam to come on (bad) and main beam came on but in the wrong switch position.

In summary:

Indicators - good.
Hazards -  good.
Side lights - good.
Dial illumination -  good.
Dipped beam - BAD.
Main beam -  BAD.
Fog light - BAD.
Horn -  good.
Speedo - good (well,  swept round and odometer on)
Revs - BAD (needle tried to move but seemed to be going in reverse direction).
Voltmeter dial -  good (other dials not testable).

A note to others - these cheap rocker switches are rubbish (but I'm stuck with them now). The little metal legs which should help keep them in place are pathetically weak and a couple have already snapped off,  which means I'll probably have to glue them in. And not sure if it's my  spade terminals but they don't all fit tightly onto the side terminals (for the illumination) so I will have to solder those at some point.

I think the main problem is my main beam rocker switch as it is the only one not described in the CBS catalogue so I had to go by a telephone conversation with CBS about what each pin does. I'll have to call them again...

Saturday, 2 July 2016

Look into my eyes

Another milestone of sorts - I have more empty boxes than full ones in my garage. Can you see the obvious difference?

Yup,  she has eyes!

I was dreading doing these as other blogs seemed to have struggled with bolts and wires etc.  but I found it pretty straightforward (famous last words). The lamp units have the 3 main wires already in place for the main bulb,  so I just had to thread 2 extra wires through the central bolt for the side light and attach a spade terminal on each one.

I've crimped flat spade terminals (terminology?) on the ends of these wires but I've not yet fitted them into the plastic plug because I want to test all the wiring works first.

The speedo cable arrived from GBS (great service - they chased the supplier of the dials and got it delivered to me in 3 or 4 days) and I have mostly finished the dash,  except for the last couple of connections to the wiper switch because I ran out of bullet connectors.

Chaos,  hey? I've used loom tape to tidy up some of the wires and once I've tested it all works,  I'll do the rest. When I have tested it works,  I'll add a page showing the full schematic for your perusal.

I've also made up a couple of wires for the rear light clusters,  again with spade terminals loosely attached to the loom so I can test it works. I need to do the same for the fog and reverse light.