Time to finally do an update I've been thinking about for ages; some sort of storage box on the bulkhead between the seats. This will mainly be somewhere to put my radio on road trips, to keep it from just sliding round on the passenger seat and to put it higher up so it might get a better signal. I can also put other odds and ends in it when I'm not using the radio.
Started with the ubiquitous sheet of ally and a scribbled plan:
....and then some vinyl:
Looking not too shabby...drilled some holes and used larger 16x4mm pop rivets (to allow for the carpet) and voila!
I bought a new mobile phone holder which is also a charger and automatically opens and closes around the phone, which is surprisingly advanced for £23. On a trip when I'm using the sat-nav on my phone, I'm always stopping and taking the phone in and out - this should make it less of a faff.
I've also ordered a cup holder which was going to go underneath that storage unit but I've got less space than I thought, so it may not go there - we'll see.
Route updated on day 1 to avoid Le Man's and to include the famous old race grandstand near Reims on the last day - seem stupid not to as we go past Reims anyway.
Two weeks to go - getting excited and a little nervous; my last Euro trip was a last minute thing which I had no expectations for and turned into my best trip ever, so this one has more scope to be a disappointment...
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