Saturday, 6 March 2021

Swings and roundabouts and stripes

 Fitted the new lambda sensor and Zedster back to idling nicely. Annoyed that the sensor was so short-lived - may have to keep a spare in the car in case it goes while I'm  on a road trip.

I went for a short blast; lovely it was. Ever since I fiddled around with the throttle cable, Zedster just feels faster and zipping around corners, after months rolling round them in my land yacht of a normal car, is intoxicating; I'm literally giggling to myself like a kid. 

However, I then stopped for petrol and Zedster wouldn't start after filling up. I'm coming round to the idea that it is simply a hot-starting problem; the starter motor was churning over (although a bit lethargically at times) but the engine just wouldn't fire. I sat there for about 20 minutes, pondering, tried one last time before the AA were called and - kazam, fired up first time.

I'm going to ask Emerald (again - they didn't reply before) if they can adjust my map to help the hot starting.

On my return, I washed Zedster (first time in a while) and stuck a stripe I bought on the bonnet. I'd love to have enough cash to get Zedster painted but I just can't justify £1000+ for the job, so a £30 sticker it is.

Sadly, it's nowhere near the right colour, which I knew but I hoped it would be darker. But I do like it at the moment - see how I get on with it:

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