For those following this blog, you'll notice I'm not very good at presentation - my build doesn't look very neat with quite a few gaps, scratches etc. Maybe not obvious from the pictures but trust me, it's not a work of art.
Most of the time, I'm not too bothered by this but one bit that is currently looking pretty yuck is my tunnel top piece, where the gearstick and handbrake go. I stupidly bought mottled vinyl to cover the panel but then I'd already bought the GBS handbrake and gearstick gaiter, which are plain black. Putting them together looks really horrible.
I've tried to buy a metal chrome surround for these bits but I just can't find anything that would fit. So, I thought I'd have a go at making something - how hard can it be?
Actually, pretty hard is the answer.
So, first step was a wooden former (I got this process from a thread on the Locostbuilders forum) and a disc of ally. Used a pliers to start bending the disc round the former and then a hammer to finish:
Again, close up it doesn't look quite as good but I'm very proud of it and it makes the panel look much better:
I've started the wood former for the handbrake surround.