Zedster looks a bit naked like this...
So, initially this all seemed too easy - the rad fitted straight onto the existing bracket with only extra long bolts needed:
But when I tried to refit the nose, it wouldn't. The new rad is only a little thicker than the old one but the flanges are on the engine side, unlike the old one, so it now sits a good 2 inches further forward.
Not sure if I've done this right but I used some brute force to bend the chassis brackets out a bit, pushed the rad behind it, drilled extra holes in those brackets and we're back in business:
While the nose was off, I updated the front grille to put a nice mesh instead of the fence-like original:
Almost looks like there is nothing there...
I still need to go for a run and check I don't have airlocks but looking OK so far and ready for my week-long trip to Central England (need to check the routes, not even sure where we're going) in 2 weeks time - woohooo!
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