Friday, 24 September 2021

MOT, shmemOT

My MOT was on the Wednesday before the Wales trip (bit risky but I had no choice) but there was little to worry about. My main concern was the emissions (which shouldn't be a problem with a Lambda sensor continually adjusting) but the guy at the garage couldn't get the probe far enough up Zedster's exhaust to get a reading, so he could only do a smoke test - much simpler.

He said one headlight was a little high but let me off and he had a good laugh at the 'efficiency' of the wipers and  wash. He had some funky suspension testing device which jacks the car up and then vibrates and turns the wheels, presumably checking for play. It's good to have that checked and know it is all ok.

The brake test did highlight the fact my left front disc is not running totally flat - unlikely to be the disc itself, I'd imagine, so possibly some rust between disc and hub. I've had that once before and it was greatly improved after removing the disc and sanding down the mating surface, so I'll try do that again shortly.

Next up is an oil change...

By the way, an alternative and far more detailed account of the Wales trip can be found in Tony's blog. He has also done some great videos - day 1 is here and others will soon follow:

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