A few bolts and bits arrived so took 30 minutes this evening to finish off the new armrest:
Feels pretty good - I bent the door frame a little at the front to get it to mould to the side panel better and looks promising.
I've also started the process of getting this blog made into print. I realised that I'm currently trusting Google to keep this blog alive but if they have some sort of system failure or cleanup one day, I might lose it (this happend to an old website of mine). I do keep a backup but it's just in XML format, so not easily viewable.
So sent of the first year's worth (2015) which cost me £80, so this isn't going to be a cheap process. But the result is very nice:
Hardback, glossy pages - very nice. However, this company (Pixie) have a bit of a limited choice of options and they've also just lumped the photos at the beginning of each entry, so they aren't in the right place in the text. I've ordered the next year from a different company, which was more expensive (£90) but that is set out better - should arrive soon, as will my Booker Prize entry, obvs.
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