Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Keeping it clean

So, finally got round to changing the fuel lines. When I took the old ones off (just the HP circuit, the LP circuit looks ok), this is what the lines looked like after 2.5 years and just 7k miles:

When I cut it open, those splits go half way through the pipe:

Now, these are supposed to be R9 standard pipes, the best you can get. However, there are lots of stories online of fake stuff and, in fact, I couldn't find a single place that didn't have a negative story online and there seems to be no way to be sure you're getting the real stuff. So I opted to just get the best quality that I could get from CBS. This is DIN rated, which no-one seems to bother faking and I can always complain to CBS if it falls apart.

I also drained the swirl pot and saw a few tiny rubber particles in the jar. It didn't look horrendous but injector jets are tiny so even small bits could be causing my misfire. Because of these, I've also now added a fuel filter in the HP circuit:

It's clear so I can keep an eye on any dregs.

So, replaced all this, went for a short drive and...misfire gone. But I'm not getting too excited yet until I've done some more miles.

I've got a long weekend to Wales in mid-September with the SKCC - really looking forward to that.

Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Treasure map

So my misfire still exists and engine starting is  still pants.

With Emeralds help (they sent me a separate user guide for the datalogger - why isn't it in their manual?), I fired up the datalogger on my ECU and recorded stuff. It meant nothing to me, so I sent it back to them to see if they could suggest anything.

Their response was to send me a new map with injector changes to try fix the start-up and they suggested the misfire problem may be the crank sensor plug. Well, I'm guessing that's what they mean - they said the trace seemed to suggest the ECU was losing the RPM signal and I think that comes from the crank sensor. Anyhoo, they have suggested re-doing the trace with different parameters recorded - I hadn't realised you could choose other parameters (like RPM - doh!).

So that is next on the list, although I'm off on holiday at the end of the week, so I may not get time before that.

A quick shout-out to Dan on the RHOCaR forum - he seems to also know hist stuff on Emerald ECUs as he suggested very similar stuff to what Emerald had (excuse the grammar there).