Saturday, 28 November 2020

I see you

 Bit of work needed to finish off the camera setup - first off was a simple metal plate:

Attached to a friction hinge:

Bolted to the side of the aux panel:

Just some velcro on the back of the camera, to make it easy to remove if necessary:

Need to think about how to tidy up the wiring further but otherwise, job done.

I wanted to go for a drive but, annoyingly, the battery is almost flat - strange when a multimeter shows 12.5v across the terminals? Although Zedster hasn't been driven in over 2 months, so maybe to be expected. Battery charger on...

Sunday, 8 November 2020

Un-tangle the Snakes - part IV

 Well, wonders will never finished and everything STILL works. Miraculous...

I did have to change from one 12-pin DT plug to a 6-pin and 4-pin but fortunately quite simple to remove the pins in a DT plug, so not a big pain. I had to do that because some of the wires come from the dash, others come from the main loom on the scuttle:

I routed the rear camera cable down the centre tunnel and wired the main unit into the ignition circuit, so the camera comes on with the ignition. Wiring behind the aux panel is now much neater:

Finally, in what was a productive day, I fitted a rubber cover round the gearstick rose joint, while the tunnel panel was off, which is supposed to cut down on the stick vibration. I bought this a few months ago but I really could not understand how it was supposed to get round the rose joint without me cutting it in half, like I have done. This doesn't look right but I can't work out how I should have done it, it only cost £2 and I'll be amazed if it makes any difference, even if it doesn't drop off in 5 minutes:

Most importantly, with the dash back in, all the electrics still work and my horn works again. I'll hold fire on calling this a complete success until I go for a drive and check it stays in one piece.