Wednesday, 25 March 2020

The End is Here

Jees, amazing the difference a week makes - my last post, I was looking forward to an Alps trip in May but it looks like that will be cancelled now...argghh. For posterity, I am referring to the infamous Coronavirus pandemic of 2020 - we've been told to go into quarantine as of March 23rd, so no fun allowed.

On Sunday, I went out for a short blast to the coast (Keane fans may recognise the reference):

Lovely weather and much less traffic than normal on a sunny Sunday in England made for a great run, although one particular single-lane road took several layers of paint off the bottom of Zedster. Also had a brief 'play' with an older M3 - quite impressed with how easily I kept up with him.

Lucky I went out as it looks like that will be the last fun drive I'm allowed for the next few weeks. Maybe a slim chance my Alps trip will still go ahead but I'm expecting the worst. If I was religious, I might think some omnipotent being didn't want me going...

Wednesday, 11 March 2020


Just a quick post to let you know I'm still alive 'cos I know you were worried.

I'm a bit worried about writing this next statement but...

Zedster has been running really well (cue terminal engine failure).

I've commuted to work about 50% of the time and Zedster has been as reliable as a Fiesta; no starting problems, misfires, bits dropping off etc. I'm scared to touch anything in case I break something.

I've got a rear high-level brake light to fit and the throttle cable to adjust so I get 100% travel and that's about it at present.

Really looking forward to this year; Alps trip in May, Wales again in September and hopefully some bits in between.