Sunday, 17 November 2019

Brace yourself

Sorry my loyal fans (all 3 of you :-) ) - been very lazy since my last post. The weather has been atrocious and feels like it hasn't stopped raining, so I haven't missed any good driving time.

I did briefly pop out in Zedster a couple of weeks ago but my misfire was still there, although not un-driveable. At the suggestion of a forum member, I thought I'd check the inlet manifold. If there was any sort of air leak through that, that might account for my misfire.

I started Zedster up and sprayed brake fluid around the inlet manifold, the idea being that if there was an air leak, the fluid would find it, go into the cylinders, ignite and briefly raise engine revs. However, nothing happened, so I'm hoping that isn't the problem.

I went out for a drive and no misfire UNTIL I hit some bumpy back lanes and this backed up the suggestion from another forum member who said it might be my coil pack plug vibrating and occasionally losing the spark to a cylinder, hence a misfire.

I had previously tried to secure the plug but it was a relatively loose attempt, so I decided to try make something more solid. I found a spare threaded hole on the bracket that the coil pack screws into, so I used my superior (!) metalwork skills to make a bracket to cable-tie the plug too:

I went out for a drive and...NO MISFIRE! Now, I'm not going to get excited because this damn thing has made a comeback before but I'm hoping I've at least improved the situation - we shall see.

In other news, I've ordered a new speedo, a funky GPS type from Speedhut in the US. A tad expensive at £250 but even a replacement for the one I've got is about £140 and that didn't last long, so I thought I'd go for it. The advantage of this one is that I customised it to death and its GPS controlled, so it will be accurate. It also has a few nice functions (0-60 timer, compass etc), although it's not going too match my other dials but I don't mind - I think a different-look speedo could look actually quite good.

In an attempt to save any annoying import duty, it's being delivered to my brother who lives in Florida and he will post it on to me, so it may take a while to get here but no rush.