When I first wired it up 3 years ago, for some reason, it was wired to earth when pressed. How I ever thought that was going to power a motor, I don't know but I'm slightly wiser now, so a quick 10 minute job to connect it to a ignition live feed and bingo - water on my windscreen. Genius!
I've also reversed the polarity of the battery warning light. Its an LED which has always been on dimly, suggesting its wired the wrong way round. As it also acts as the exciter circuit for the alternator, its actually pretty important and I don't think I've ever been charging my battery very well. We'll see how it goes over the next few drives.
More of a problem is that my misfire is back. Not as bad as last time but there. Since I changed everything on the ignition side last time, it's the turn of the injection side for analysis. First job, I think, is to replace the HP fuel lines. They're supposed to be R9 and invulnerable to deterioration but I have small cracks on the outside where they bend - maybe I got a duff set or a cheap knock off?
Had an enjoyable run out to Compton Abbas airfield in Wiltshire (?) last weekend, via the famous Zig-Zag road - listen out for the chirps from the tyres on the best example of an alpine pass in the south:
Seven cars from SKCC was a good turn out. I'll be honest, the roads in Wiltshire are a bit dull - the Romans got there in a big way and there are lots of very, long straight runs which don't excite the soul but, hey, good weather, nice people, what more do you need?
A couple of weeks ago, I went to Goodwood - love that place; the noise, the smells - awesome for any vague petrol-head. And the value of cars there!! All of them are original - at least 5 Porsche 917s (they only made 25), Aston Martin's of excruciating beauty, about 10 Bentley Blowers - the list just goes on and on...and they get driven, not static displays!! If you haven't been, go now before the tree-huggers shut it down for killing polar bears.
Some highlights:
An Aston I'd never heard of (DB4 I think?) from the early 60s - look at those lines - gorgeous!
One of the first ever Aston Martin's - not a replica, the REAL thing - how many millions?
Bugatti Type 40 (I think) - beautiful:
My lottery-win choice:
One for the yoofs - I liked the quote over the rear wheel-arch:
Bugatti Type 35s - the one in the foreground was totally original and they were damn quick up the hill:
£90k for a Morgan?! Seriously?
This was for sale, £35k based on a Toyota Previa and totally road legal - good quality work as well:
That orange BMW 2002 Turbo (?) was also for sale - £300k!!
All round amazing...although Zedster did come away covered in a film of dust from the car park!